7 Benefits of Using Oracle Communications Operations Monitor

Tom Collins
Post by Tom Collins
November 3, 2015
7 Benefits of Using Oracle Communications Operations Monitor

Not all fiber internet, phone and data center providers are created equal.

At Atlantech Online, our relentless commitment to provide the highest level of customer support propelled us to deploy Oracle's Communications Operations Monitor (COM... formerly called Palladion) software for call monitoring as part of our SIP trunking, HostedVoice, and VoicePack service offerings. Oracle COM is a powerful tool for carriers as a means of viewing voice sessions across the many platforms an SIP call progresses. In a nutshell, it allows for real-time access to information and quick trouble resolution.

Before COM entered the scene, carriers had difficulties in capturing and analyzing end-to-end call correlation and analytics in real time. The worst part was they had to rely on time-consuming investigations to help troubleshoot tickets.

Because we use COM, our level 1 technicians are confident enough to dissect call issues and are quick to direct attention to senior technicians, if required, for resolution. Let's take a look at some of the features and benefits of COM.

The Key Features of Oracle COM

  • Access to current historical SIP messaging and performance metrics
  • Active call monitoring
  • Historic (up to 7 days) SIP signaling information for post-facto call review
  • End point device and device registration monitoring
  • MOS (Mean Opinion Score) Value
  • Full PCAP (packet capture) capability
  • Message flow diagrams

7 Benefits of Oracle COM

Quick Problem Recognition and Accurate Resolution

The Oracle COM comes with a detailed dashboard section that provides a quick yet exhaustive view of the goings-on within your network, leading to rapid problem identification and resolution.

The dashboard section is further split into the following:

Service Dashboard - This portion allows us to quickly identify problems at a glance. Through the service dashboard, we can instantly pinpoint stats and details of most recent calls including voice quality information, full protocol details, and successes versus failures.

User Equipment Dashboard - Everything we need to know about the user's end device details are outlined in this dashboard such as recently used devices, IP address information, and recent working or failed registrations.

Statistics Dashboard - This is where we get a glimpse of stats that detail call success rates, distribution of calls by destination, incoming and outgoing call ratio, and average mean opinion (MOS) values.

Easy Identification of Potential Issues

A quick look of the application layer statistics equips Atlantech Online with information on possible issues before they actually occur. A configurable dashboard, complete with graphs, can be established to alert your team of possible network kinks such as slow responses or poor voice quality. Early identification of potential kinks lead to a significant boost in service quality.

Unmatched Functionality with Detailed Call Flow Logs

Real-time correlation of calls negates the need for call-detail record or on-demand analysis. Network-wide, historical, and recent call tracing is possible all at once.

This has two key outcomes: a dramatic drop of the average time it takes to close a ticket and shorter troubleshooting times. As a consequence, most issues are handled directly by first-line support.

The diagrammatic call flow analyses feature is a great example. It gathers messages from multiple points on the core network, which in turn correlates them in call legs, and consequently merges them into calls. Merging call legs into call flows is critical in enabling smooth and swift troubleshooting times.

Elimination of Individual and Bulk Provisioning

Provisioning new user information used to take hours or days. With Oracle's COM, new user details are automatically visible following network connection.

Also, user accounts can be quickly located with COM"s live user search functionality, where only a part of the phone number is required! Furthermore, user details are accessible with just a single click. When connected with third-party products, user search is a breeze through deep linking.

In-depth Issue Analysis

Oracle's COM enhances our support and operation's efficiency by enabling us to dissect issues at the network, device, and end-user levels. Bidirectional data transfer empowers us to easily pinpoint which portion of the network the message was not sent. We also get to figure out if the defective side was on the caller or the recipient's.

Consider the User Tracking page feature. It aggregates information about each single end user of the monitored platform and track back data for each single call. Caller and recipient details, IP addresses, call status, call flow diagrams, and number of call segments are all laid out.

Simple and Intuitive User Interface

Beginners and advanced users alike will find Oracle's COM an easy interface to work with. Critical details are easy to spot on for customer care personnel while an in-depth look for senior technicians is available through intuitive links.

Effortless Statistical Analysis

The optional Call Detail Record (CDR) feature enables third party processing of call logs to help with statistical analysis. Raw data can be translated to graphs and charts, and exported into comma separated values (CSV), PDFs, and packet capture (PCAP).

Scale Your Business with Oracle's COM

Atlantech Online's choice to utilize Oracle's COM is grounded on our aim to help our clients ensure availability and security within their networks as they expand and make room for new users.

Curious on how to get the most out of your IP communications network while reducing operational costs at the same time with Oracle's COM? We're thrilled to show you how! The professional Atlantech Online team looks forward to providing the most advanced technologies available to support your growing business needs.

Tom Collins
Post by Tom Collins
November 3, 2015
Tom is the Director of Enterprise Sales & Marketing for Atlantech Online. He has over 20 years of professional experience in the Internet Service Provider industry and is known for translating technology into positive results for business. A native of Washington, DC, a graduate from University of Maryland (degrees in Government & Politics and Secondary Education), Tom is also a five-time Ironman finisher.
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