Voicemail Transcription
February 24, 2021

Voicemail is a hassle. There... I said it. Rather than feeling like a useful tool, whenever I listen to a voicemail, I feel like rushing to the very end. I've heard it from customers, too. That's why they're happy that here at Atlantech Online, we now have voicemail transcription. And even better, voice transcription can be added for free for a limited time to our Hosted PBX service. Now, our customers can scan a voicemail message the way you they can skim over a text-based message. Gone are the days when you couldn't clearly hear what someone had said in a voicemail, and replay the message over and over to figure out what was said. Or, if you need to let someone else know about the message, searching for pen and paper to write it down.
Traditional Voicemail Is OVER
It's no wonder that people tend to gravitate toward more flexible communication methods such as SMS messaging and email. In the workplace, we multitask more now than ever, and time is of the essence. With the rise of communication platforms, such as social media that allow people to rapidly and easily share snippets of information with one another, you naturally expect such features in all communication channels you use — including voicemail.
Readers of this blog know that we believe that unified communications (UC) platforms make for better workplace collaboration. UC integrates with your email system, displaying voicemail messages in the user's inbox alongside emails that can display a preview to allow for better scanning. Until recently, voicemail offered no such capability. For office professionals, voicemails have caught up to email, offering text previews of messages.
Visual Voicemail - Increases Collaboration and Productivity
Atlantech Online has started to offer visual voicemail to better support our customer's need to quickly scan and respond to their incoming communications. Through this feature, voicemail is automatically transcribed into text so listeners can read it at a glance and determine its contents. This can come in handy particularly if users are on the phone or a video conference, as employees can assess the topic and urgency of the message without disrupting their current conversation. The transcription feature is also convenient for employees who use mobile apps while traveling, which hopefully won't be long for us to start back up again. It's really convenience because it allows you to check your messages before you move on to your destination.
This is not unlike how emails, SMS messages, and enterprise messaging already work today. As with those channels, visual voicemail allows a busy office professional to sort and prioritize incoming messages to more efficiently respond. If a caller has left a voicemail message at the wrong extension, the recipient can easily forward it to the right colleague. Visual voicemail can even help streamline collaboration between coworkers who prefer to use different communication channels.
Visual voicemail is searchable just like email, which makes it much easier for office workers to quickly locate important information in a message. It also assists in record keeping, enabling office professionals to delete older voicemail messages while still retaining transcriptions. These capabilities bring the otherwise siloed voicemail function in line with how other channels are used, making voicemail more intuitive, usable, and compatible with employees' collaboration needs than it was in the past.
Compliance Benefits
The benefits of visual voicemail extend to countless industries, such as the legal field, which relies on the written word for keeping records and protecting sensitive client information. Busy lawyers trying to complete a legal document under a tight deadline find visual voicemail helpful, since it lets them copy and paste snippets from a voicemail message — such as a client's request for a couple of specific changes to a document — into a file before sending it. Having voicemails transcribed also helps with confidentiality, as lawyers can privately glance at updates on a case that arrive in a voicemail without having to worry about a nearby third party possibly overhearing something.
Professionals in other industries are also finding this feature useful. A realtor showing a prospective buyer a new home is able to look at an incoming message and quickly reply without interrupting the appointment. A doctor talking with an assistant could see an important voicemail regarding a patient has come in and read it on the spot, deciding to interrupt the conversation and pursue follow-up action regarding their course of treatment.
Rather than wondering how to get voicemail transcription from a hard-to-hear voicemail message while juggling other tasks, you can now easily integrate it into your multitasking, multichannel life. Thanks to this enhancement, voicemail (which has been around since the late '70s) has joined the information age. Businesses and their employees can enjoy greater efficiency and productivity thanks to convenient visual voicemail transcriptions, which let them stay up-to-date with workplace communications while seamlessly keeping their day-to-day work flowing.
Atlantech Online - The RIGHT UC Choice
Atlantech Online is a trusted name when it comes to providing high-performance fiber optic Internet to power all of your communication platforms. With over 25 years in the industry, we understand the telecommunications trends before they become the new mode of operations. Offering services such as voicemail transcription is one of many examples of our feature-rich platform delivered affordably and with great care to our customers.
Request a quote and make sure to ask our sales department for the FREE voicemail transcription before the offer expires.