5 Ways to Improve Enterprise Communications Quality & Reliability
September 6, 2016

In today's fast paced world, having the highest performing communications infrastructure is imperative.
Enterprise businesses jockeying for growth in competitive markets require 24/7 access to:
- Data sharing tools,
- Internal communication networks,
- Cloud-based CRM and sales platforms, and
Basic communication tools such as phone, email, and messaging.
Improved implementation of an enterprise communications network will directly impact productivity, efficiency, revenue, and profitability. How? First, consider what basic functions the network provides.
The 5 Functions of Enterprise Communications
Internal Communications – Instant messaging, document sharing, and conference calls are just the tip of the iceberg. And with the advent of mobile and remote staff, an outage that cuts off internal communications is crippling.
Customer Communications – It’s happened to everyone. You get on an important conference call and there is just one person that you can barely hear or keeps dropping off the call. You don’t want to be that guy. Being able to speak with customers via phone and email is a critical function and the less disruption, the better.
Data Sharing – Accessing critical files and data points allows co-workers to quickly advance projects and workflows. CRM platforms are accessed across business units and locations to keep abreast of the latest information on clients. Data may be stored locally or need to be retrieved from the cloud. Data that has been stored or archived needs to be accessed across departments, as well.
Collaboration – Productivity apps, chat rooms, and other collaborative platforms all run on the network, keeping open flows of communication and creating a seamless integration of work and information.
Vendor Communications - External communications are critical for seamless production and deliverability of services and products. Beyond typical phone calls and conferencing, enterprise communications encompasses every function of the partnership. Billing, quotes, and cloud based third party platforms all rely on the unified communications network.
Each of the 5 functions is a spoke on a wheel and to achieve top performance they need to be efficient and reliable. Consider communications a process of the business, part of the brand being built, rather than an application or tool that is being used.
If you've been tasked with improving the communications tools in your enterprise-level business, simply concentrate on these 5 best practices and watch your communications infrastructure problems become a thing of the past.
Top-5 Strategies for Improved Enterprise Communications
1. Network Optimization
Having a top-notch enterprise communication system requires a top-notch network. Optimize your network by:
- Ensuring your connectivity is direct and private, rather than a shared connection that sends critical information across the public Internet. "BYOB" connectivity can be a major cause of communications problems. It is always best to be "on-net" with your systems, whether it is servers, voice service or connections to your cloud service providers.
- Eliminating wasted bandwidth. A complete audit of current systems will provide transparency into how your bandwidth is being used. Look for branch locations with excess levels of service and those that are not fully utilizing the services you are under contract for.
Employing enterprise SIP trunking services. SIP Trunking allows for enterprise efficiency by simplifying and consolidating voice services across multiple locations.
2. Leverage your Platform
There is no longer a need to maintain multiple phone systems and providers. Look for a platform that can provide a wide spectrum of functionality and act as a single provider solution. Being able to administer your entire phone system from one pane of glass is superior to have different systems to log into or deal with separate vendors for branch offices.
3. Improve Resource Management
The vast majority of Unified Communications platforms will reduce the resources required to maintain the network drastically, along with lowered hardware and maintenance costs. If your enterprise is running multiple systems in more than one location, look for a platform that can manage everything from one client interface.
4. Business Continuity and Risk Reduction
Implement a comprehensive business continuity plan that includes backup wireless connectivity. Having a Plan B when there is a service outage should be planned in advanced and practiced on a regular basis so personnel are familiar on what to do.
5. Streamline Expenses
Moving to a single provider infrastructure will not only lower costs but streamline the process. A single, simple billing process that includes comprehensive service will work magic on your bottom line and improve overall communications.
The Final Word on Enterprise Communication
Enhancing enterprise communications will increase productivity and provide the enterprise with new ways to engage customers. Plus, it can allow the enterprise to take advantage of new market opportunities to drive new revenue and help expand the customer base. The net result is an improvement in business processes, employee productivity, and customer satisfaction.
Atlantech not only offers the services discussed above but is also a proven provider to enterprise-level customers throughout the Washington DC area and beyond.